Wednesday, February 9, 2011

artist statement

“Most recently, I would describe my work as “conceptual drawing”. I prefer to let my ideas determine my media, and strive to maintain an objective relationship with my work. In the past, I have drawn with fabric, paper, yarn, film/video and sound. I’ve explored ideas about consumerism, pertaining to our shared experiences with inanimate objects.

My drawings have been described as both “elated” and “alienating”. While my works on paper typically preserve a sense of whimsy, I am now interested in exploring the more despairing aspects of material culture.

I consider my process to be equally scientific as it is artistic. My drawings refer to themes such as biological taxonomy, cellular automata, and teratomas. I am interested in how our lives are influenced by the things we buy; in my work, I attempt to catalogue these relationships.”

Other things…

Lately I’ve been learning about Mhong tapestries. Something about the perspective of them intrigues me:

This is an interesting TED talk. “Psychologist Barry Schwartz takes aim at a central tenet of western societies: freedom of choice. In Schwartz's estimation, choice has made us not freer but more paralyzed, not happier but more dissatisfied.” Could be related to my next piece:

My mom sent me this article. “By Hook or by Crook
A huge installation of crocheted coral is engaging visitors in a project where, math, science, and handcraft converge.” It’s fairly interesting:

And, I finally moved into the studio! This is me, eating delicious, nutritious goldfish… after 6 hours of lesson planning:

Fun times ahead? Let’s hope so.

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